These are the top 10 Android 18 Cosplay Characters from all over the world that have made her into a sexy fappable real life character. Android 18 is one of the recurring characters in the DragonBall franchise. She is a favorite among Dragon Ball fans. In fact, she may be one of the most loved and recognizable characters in modern anime. She’s cool, confident, and self-assured. Even in battle, she finds a way to slip in a sarcastic remark. When Goku calls her cute in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, she retorts “Took you a while idiot!” in Japanese. She is focused and determined, taking it upon herself to kill Gero, the creator of the androids. At the end of the series, Android 18 joins the Z Fighters. She becomes a better wife to Krillin, and even becomes a mother to their daughter, Marron.
After our extreamly popular article based on the best Bulma cosplay collection, we have taken it a step further by introducing the sexiest Android 18 Cosplay Collection. Surely Anime Cosplays love Android 18 for her headstrong character and impressive development over the series. Although cosplayers note her iconic, yet simple look: a blue denim vest, a black and white striped t-shirt, and short blonde hair. Some cosplayers wear different outfits in the series, or make their own creative variations.
#1 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Lie-chee
#2 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Oh My Sophii
#3 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Bellas Cosplay
#4 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – bekejacoba
#5 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – MissKittyQuinn
#6 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Danielledenicola

#7 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Roxy Chan

#8 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – amouranth

#9 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – k8sarkissian
#10 Dragonball Android 18 Cosplay – Gabymmendoza
Android 18 is one of the major standouts in the franchise overall, and much of that is due to her now iconic fashion. With casual gear that now reflects just how deadly she was back then, 18 was able to dominate the screen with each appearance. But what do you think? Is Android 18 in the running for Dragon Ball‘s Best Girl? What do you think of her journey throughout the series overall? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool things @cospixy on Twitter!
The Japanese-language and English dub releases of Dragon Ball Super are now complete and available to stream with FunimationNOW and Crunchyroll. Viz Media is releasing new chapters of the manga at a monthly rate that can be read entirely for free through the Shonen Jump digital library, and Dragon Ball Super’s big movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly, is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Fans in Japan are also able to enjoy fresh non-canon adventures from the franchise with new episodes of Super Dragon Ball Heroes‘ promotional anime series.
Android 18 Cosplay Makeup Tutorial
I really liked Roxy Chans version of Android 18! Such a cool cosplayer
Number 6,7,8 should be numbers 1,2,3 in my opinion! But I respect all the Cosplayers so good job all of you girls
I want oh my Sophie for Xmas
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