The Best Earth Chan Cosplay Collection

Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay Wallpaper

Anime Earth Chan Wallpaper

Who is Earth-Chan?

We have found for you the best Earth Chan Cosplay characters from all over the internet. Earth-chan is an anime-style anthropomorphic representation of the planet Earth. She is depicted as a young girl with hair dyed in the colors blue and green, resembling a photograph of the planet taken from space. Online, image macros featuring the character often contain jokes using the popular anime trope of characters being insecure about their flat chest by referencing to the flat earth theory.

In 2017 a tweet came out that created the first ever Earth Chan picture and anime fans from all over the world stopped and wondered how an anime version of the Earth can be represented by a character. Since then there have been thousands of cosplayers that stepped up and took over the task of creating the perfect Earth chan cosplay. Below we take a look at the top 10 cosplayers in no particular order but you are welcome to comment your favourites at the end of the article. 

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

#1 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – @JennaLynnMeowri

Best Earth Chan Cosplay

Best Earth Chan Cosplay

#2 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – Belle Delphine

Best Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay

#3 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – Hana Bunny

Best Earth Chan Cosplay Best Earth Chan Cosplay

Best Earth Chan Cosplay

#4 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – jannalinaaaa

Best Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay Ecchi Earth Chan Cosplay

#5 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – kristenlanaee

Ecchi Earth Chan Cosplay Ecchi Earth Chan Cosplay

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#6 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – khainsaw

Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay

#7 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – @JudysLullaby

Earth-chan Cosplay Earth-chan Cosplay

#8 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – Natsu_mii

Earth-chan Cosplay
Earth-chan Cosplay
#9 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – Kaybear
Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay
#10 Best Earth Chan Cosplay – Danielle De Nicola
Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay Hot Sexy Earth Chan Cosplay

Earth Chan Origin

On November 30th, 2017, Twitter user @Trinimmortal tweeted a joke about creating an anime featuring the planets of our solar system as anime girls, which would contain a running gag about Earth-chan saying “I’m not flat!” On December 4th, Twitter user @felipecunhaeloi responded to the tweet with an illustration of the anime idea (shown below).

Where did Earth-chan Come From


On December 7th, DeviantArtist DatWeirdoWhoLuvsMilk posted several illustration of Earth-chan wearing a surgical mask (shown below).

Where did Earth-chan Come From

On December 10th, 2017, Redditor M4DHouse submitted an image macro with the caption “When someone says Earth-Chan is flat,” followed by a screenshot of Mafuyu Hoshikawa from Blend S saying “It seems you require a hard education” (shown below).

Where did Earth-chan Come From

On December 12th, 2017, Redditor WatBoi19 submitted an illustration in which the Earth-chan character complains to a man wearing a NASA shirt that “everybody call me flat,” leading the man to say “Don’t believe what they said, senpai. You are not flat!” (shown below). Within 24 hours, the post gained over 5,900 points (93% upvoted) and 280 comments on /r/animemes.

Where does Earth-chan Come From

Earth Chan Personality

Earth~Chan is cute and silly. She is a caring person and loves the humans with all her heart despite the illness they’ve inflicted upon her. However, if you call her flat she’ll become flustered and mad.

Earth Chan Appearance 

Earth~Chan has short blue hair with green continent shapes and her eyes are brown. Her attire consists of a school uniform with a white shirt, purple galaxy tie, and skirt, as well as black thigh high socks and shoes. When she’s not in her uniform she wears a NASA t-shirt, khaki shorts, white socks and brown shoes. She also occasionally wears a hospital mask. 

Earth Chan Cosplay Tutorial 

Do you think we can look after Earth-chan a little bit better than we currently do? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool things @cospixy on Twitter!

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