The Sexiest NSFW Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox

Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox

A full set of the sexiest lewd and nude Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox on the leading world wide cosplay site – cospixy. Lola Bunny is a Looney Tunes cartoon character portrayed as an anthropomorphic female rabbit created by Warner Bros. Pictures. She is generally depicted as Bugs Bunny’s girlfriend. She first appeared in the 1996 film Space Jam.


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The Best Lewd And Nude Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox

Kalinka Fox has some impress cosplays such as her Wonder Woman cosplay set and her KDA Evelynn cosplay set but neither are as impressive as her Lola Bunny Cosplay set. Fans absolutely love what she did to the bunny teen as she showcases her lewd and nude creative side. Here is the best lewd and nude Lola Bunny cosplay set by Kalinka Fox.

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $9.99.

Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox

She, like so many female athletes, is second rate compared to the men that surround her, even if she is more talented. She gets to show those aliens who’s the boss with a spectacular dunk, but she ultimately needs to be saved by Bugs Bunny in the end. She can help the men win the basketball game, but she’s not equipped to protect herself without the help of a man — or in this case, a bunny. It’s still a classic damsels in distress story, disguised as a female empowerment tale.

It’s infuriating now, but twenty years ago, this all seemed progressive to have Lola Bunny be an athlete at a time when most little girls only had Disney Princesses to look up to. For everything wrong with Lola, there are good things that even now are worth noting: She is confident. She is talented. She is witty. She isn’t afraid to show off. Of course, we wouldn’t want to see Lola strut onto the court with her crop top in a 2016 because that would be a setback for female characters. Especially ones aimed at little girls. The Mary Sue even wrote a plea to anyone involved in Space Jam 2asking that they do better by Lola. Something I second, but know wouldn’t happen.

Lola was a product of her time. She was flawed as a heroine because this wasn’t about spreading feminism, but hitting a sales quota. But, what she stood for in 1996 was important and that shouldn’t be forgotten now. Lola Bunny was proof that little girls could compete with boys and win. She probably also inspired more than a few little girls to grab a basketball. When it came to creating a full-fledged female figure though, we still had a long way to go. That’s why when Lola teams up with LeBron James for the sequel, go right ahead and change her outfit, make sure she has more than five lines in the entire film, and make sure she’s more than the love interest. But don’t change her attitude, and definitely don’t even think about calling her doll.


This Lewd And Nude Lola Bunny Cosplay Collection Is A Slam Dunk

Did you like the lewd and nude Lola Bunny cosplay collection by Kalinka Fox? Are there any other cosplayers that are as good as her? Let me know on twitter @Cospixy or message me on instagram @Cospixy or better yet, just drop a comment below!

3 thoughts on “The Sexiest NSFW Lola Bunny Cosplay By Kalinka Fox

  1. Nikki_boagreis says:

    Her hair is adorable. Really like the pink background, It’s cute.

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