The hottest lewd and nude Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay collection that transforms the Genshin Impact video game character to real life cosplay.
Nude Raiden Shogan Cosplay Set By Kalinka Fox
Who Is Raiden Shogun
All hail her excellency, the Almighty Narukami Ogosho! The Raiden Shogun is the Electro Archon and supreme ruler of the island nation of Inazuma, referred to as lightning itself. She is an Electro Polearm user who supports her allies with her consistent lightning attacks and elemental burst buffs to her allies. However, she is at her most fearsome when she uses the energy stored from using aforementioned bursts to supercharge her own, unleashing a devastating flurry of sword attacks that also serve to replenish her teammates’ bursts.
Raiden Shogun is a character event exclusive character in the Genshin Impact video game. This means that she cannot be rolled by any means until she is announced for a banner rate up.. She was last available in Version 2.1.
Raiden requires a solid amount of game knowledge in order to get the most out of her but when placed in the proper compositions that symbiotically feed off of each other’s strengths, she is one of, if not THE single strongest unit in the game. She is capable of being used as both a DPS battery to juice your carries or even be the carry herself. All is possible with the Stormy Eye of Judgment at your side
Complete Lewd And Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay Collection
All the top cosplayers have put together their versions of a sexy Raiden Shogun cosplay. Only a select few have made it to the top ranks of lewd and nude Raiden Shogun cosplayers. Here is a list of all the hottest cosplayers ranked by thousands of fans.
#12 Best Lewd Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Joyce
#11 Best Lewd Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Oichi
#10 Best Lewd Starbucks Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Hana Bunny
#9 Best Lewd Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Hana Bunny
#8 Best Lewd Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Shirogane
#7 Best Lewd Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Potato Godzilla
#6 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Lady Melamori

#5 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Tsuki Desu

#4 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Shiro Kitsune
#3 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Kalinka Fox
#2 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Arty Huang
#1 Best Nude Raiden Shogun Cosplay – Mikomin
What Is Genshin Impact
In 2020, Genshin Impact took the video game industry by storm, attracting a large player base and generating nearly $400 million in revenue within its first two months on the market. For context, this was more than Pokémon Go, which generated $238 million in revenue within the same time period.
At first glance, Genshin Impact might look like just another anime open-world game, but there are a lot of interesting things going on that set it apart.
Genshin Impact is an open-world action RPG with “gacha” (we’ll go over that later on) mechanics. It is developed and published by Chinese studio miHoYo. In it, players control a number of party members, each with different abilities, weapons, gear, and personalities. The combat plays out in real time, allowing players to utilize ranged, melee, and elemental attacks against a wide array of enemies across the game’s open world and dungeons.
Genshin Impact is an online-only adventure that heavily leans into story and multiplayer — with many features you’d see in popular games as a service (like daily quests, rewards, loot, and other things to keep you checking in).
Many critics and players have compared Genshin Impact to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild with an anime twist. It’s a fair comparison, as many of the environments and locales resemble one another across both games. The biggest similarity is that you’re able to climb almost any surface in Genshin and the amount you can climb is dictated by a stamina meter — just like in Breath of the Wild.
Our Favourite Lewd Ganyu Cosplay Collection From Genshin Impact
Did you like the best Lewd and Nude Raiden Shogan cosplay collection? Are there any other cosplayers that belong on here? Let me know on twitter @Cospixy or message me on instagram @Cospixy or better yet, just drop a comment below!
Damn these girls are fire
Well done with these RAIDEN Shogun cosplays
I love Mikomins cosplay
Very nice cosplay, look’s absolutely amazing.
That Lady Melamori is a real woman